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What You Don't Get Told About Your C-Section Scar

1 I get asked about swimming quite a bit, mainly whether it’s safe when you have diastasis recti, but I’m going to cover pregnancy as well as postnatal here, so I’ll start with that. Swimming can provide relief from aches and pains often experienced during pregnancy, relieving the pressure of your bump by supporting […]
While the sun was shining I got in the garden and filmed a couple of workouts to share on my Facebook page. 2 speedy circuits, postnatal and pregnancy friendly (bar one exercise when you’re final trimester, and provided no SPD), one for the lower body and one for the upper. They’re time-lapse ones, to keep […]
Have you got an aching upper back? I seem to be seeing this quite a bit with clients at the moment, and a common cause is slouching, which granted most of us are guilty of, but feeding a baby seems to make it so much worse! I’m wondering if ‘baby-feeding back’ can become a thing, […]
“What’s the best exercise for toning my tummy?” I probably get asked this question more than any other. Which is understandable- I remember how weak I felt in the months after giving birth, and looking down at a tummy that didn’t look like mine anymore! Your postnatal core isn’t the same as your pre-pregnancy core. […]
I’m often short on time. My clients are often short on time. So being able to create a workout that makes the most of the little time we have is a basic requirement for me! So I’m going to share with you the basic template I use to create most of my programmes. It’s simple, […]
My last blog was about C-section scar massage: why it’s beneficial and how to do it. And so many of you told me how useful it was, as there is so little information given to C-section mamas about their scars and how it can affect them. But quite a few of you also commented that […]
7 I’ve written before about returning to exercise post C-section, but I didn’t touch on one important area of C-section recovery: the scar. Because I think this deserves a blog of its own. I meet a lot of C-section mamas, and issues such as poor sensation/numbness, ongoing pain and a feeling of tightness in the […]
I think every client who comes to me wants a stronger core, and this is where we start. It really is a simple step. Or at least it sounds simple. In reality, it can be pretty hard to master, at least when you’ve just grown a baby! I’m talking about breathing correctly. Correct breathing technique […]
1 When we talk about reducing stress, we often talk about balance. Because we’re all trying to juggle everything- family, running a house, seeing friends, work, exercise, eating well. And that’s not even including the little things like painting your nails, reading a good book (right now it’s The One I Was by Eliza Graham) […]
1 With c-section rates in the UK at around 26%, as you can imagine I meet a lot of mums who have had one! So I thought a blog covering some of the common questions and misconceptions I come across would be useful… So, what is a c-section? Well, it’s an incision usually made horizontally, […]